Larry fink
Larry fink

larry fink

That requires understanding how companies are adjusting their businesses for the massive changes the economy is undergoing. We focus on sustainability not because we’re environmentalists, but because we are capitalists and fiduciaries to our clients. Paragraph 27: I added the bold-underline text in the following sentence: Paragraph 10-26: No changes for 17 paragraphs! Without implementation this idea is empty words. You seem to think that customers want talk. “Customers want to see and hear what you stand for, and more importantly the policies and practices you implement, as they increasingly look to do business with companies that share their values demonstrate this by action. Paragraph 9: I added the bold-underline text in the following sentence: Not sure why you left out supply chains which reflects back to the prior change about interconnection. Paragraph 6: I added “its supply chains.” As you know, stakeholder capitalism has five elements, employees, customers, community, supply chain, and shareholders. I urge you to use this power for the good of all - not just talk about it.

larry fink

You are one of a handful of people on the planet who has the power to make real change, in the real world, to solve our most dire problems. Larry, you are in a very unique position. The conceptual framework describing system-level problems is strong, yet you fail to use Blackrock’s brand and clout to incentivize solutions on climate change, racial injustice, and other pernicious issues. My mark-ups of your CEO letter this year are fairly minimal.

larry fink

You have my gratitude and personal offer to assist in any way to, “bring together leading CEOs, investors, policy experts, and academics to share their experience and deliver their insights.” I particularly appreciate the creation of the “Center for Stakeholder Capitalism” as it answers the request As You Sow made in two shareholder resolutions for an implementation plan of the Business Roundtable pledge. The solutions are within your grasp and using your power to drive timely action can help ensure we meet our goals. What your 2022 letter lacks is, similar to last year, an implementation plan.


I once again took the liberty of marking up your CEO letter to show you how close you are to using the full extent of your power to solve the problems you so eloquently articulate about the existential issues confronting the entire economy and global society.

Larry fink